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従いましてプロ監査人(監査法人、コンサルティング会社、SIer等)の方はプロ向けセミナー(LPA™)のご受講を慫慂しております、実際に同業他社の皆様からもお申し込みを多数頂戴致しております、弊社としては下記カリキュラムへのご参加を妨げるものでは御座いません、どなた様もご自由にご参加ください、但しプロ監査人向けには「Lecture for Professional Auditor(LPA™)」をご用意しているということです、受講者の皆様のご選択判断にお任せ致します。



/ The lectures are designed mainly for personnel of industrial company, not for professional auditors of auditing firm, consulting firm, or system integrator.

Some professional auditors applied these, but we recommend them to take ‘Lectures for Professional Auditor, so to say LPA™ which were designed at very high level.

Thus it is up to you which to choose, thank you.




1.内部監査セミナー/ lectures on Internal Audit

   ①入門篇/ entry course

   ②基礎篇/ base line course

   ③初級篇/ basic course

   ④中級篇/ intermediate course

   ⑤上級篇/ advanced course

   ⑥応用篇:往査模擬シミュレーション/ application course for simulating field work of audit


2.内部統制セミナー/ lectures on Internal Controls

   ①入門篇/ entry course

   ②基礎篇/ base line course

   ③初級篇/ basic course

   ④中級篇/ intermediate course

   ⑤上級篇/ advanced course

   ⑥応用篇:統制評価手続模擬シミュレーション/ application course for testing field work of controls for design effectiveness and operating effectiveness


3.IPOセミナー/ lectures on Initial Public Offering

   ①入門篇/ entry course

   ②基礎篇/ basic course

   ③初級篇/ basic course

   ④中級篇/ intermediate course

   ⑤上級篇/ advanced course

   ⑥応用篇:ケーススタディ&シミュレーション/  application course for studying cases and field works


4.リスクマネジメントセミナー/ lectures on Risk Management





   ①入門篇/ entry course

   ②基礎篇/ basic course

   ③初級篇/ basic course

   ④中級篇/ intermediate course

   ⑤上級篇/ advanced course

   ⑥応用篇:リスクアセスメント模擬シミュレーション/ application course for studying cases and field works

   ⑦実戦篇/ nuts and bolts


5.情報セキュリティ保護管理セミナー/  lectures on Information Security Management System

   ①入門篇/ entry course

   ②基礎篇/ basic course

   ③初級篇/ basic course

   ④中級篇/ intermediate course

   ⑤上級篇/ advanced course

   ⑥応用篇:リスクアセスメント模擬シミュレーション/ application course for studying cases and field works of risk assessment

   ⑦実戦演習篇:審査対応トレーニングISO/IEC27001認証取得審査模擬シミュレーション/ nuts and bolts for taking ISO/IEC27001  ←お申込みへ